Hey, I’m Larry,
I am a Laguna Beach artist born and raised

I have been honing my craft in contemporary styled artwork for the last decade. Initially a full-time athlete, my notebooks overflowed with artistic creations. Eventually, it came time to hang up the cleats; with my old identity gone, I committed to something new. Soon the hours in the studio surpassed the hours in the ocean, and I knew that it would be this way forever. Years of athletics created an addictive passion for mastering every detail of my creation and finding new sources of inspiration. The only difference is that art is a game I cannot win, so it looks like I have a lifetime of competition ahead of me.

One Love,
Larry Stewart


Denis Ouch (NYC bike map series) 

Lance Stewart (Talking heads series)

Sawdust art festival (Laguna Beach CA) 2018935 Laguna canyon rd CA, 92651

Virgil Catherine gallery (hinsdale Illinois) 2020-current 50 south Washington st IL, 60521

Sawdust art festival (Laguna Beach CA)2018935 Laguna canyon rd CA, 92651

Hudson yards Gallery (Hudson yards NY)2022-current 

447 west 36th st floor 2 New York, NY 10018

Five Three Gallery (Laguna Beach CA)2022

Laguna Gallery Of Contemporary Art (Laguna Beach California) 2022-current 611 south coast highway Laguna Beach CA 92651