NFT Roadmap

It's important that this leap into the digital space is met with a balance of what I know and love best, paint on canvas.

This unique opportunity offers art lovers the chance to start, diversify or build their collections and invest in both the physical and digital realms.

Ultimately, with these collections I want to break down the barriers between traditional art and NFT collecting audiences, generating ongoing opportunities for participation across both communities. That's why every mint comes with a corresponding physical item and also the chance to win something even better hidden inside each mint. Take a look below.

Mint 1
Feb 2023


No one ever said I wish I could work a 9 to 5 forever, I wish I could recreate the feeling of the DMV, or I wish I had more afternoon meetings. Why don't we? Because it's all so definite, practical, and mundane. As humans, we want to be whimsical. We appreciate all we have, but when we dream, we dream of all that could be. We yearn for the afternoons spent as robbers fleeing the police, the mornings when our mind took us to galaxies far far away, and the nights when we constructed kingdoms of pillows and bedding. We miss the splendor of being unlimited. We miss childhood. The artist goes straight to this longing and reminds you that it is not so far gone. The variety and doodle-like construction of these faces point to the undefined nature of childhood. The possibility of many different faces and versions of ourselves that are possible. The colors' strength and refusal to stay inside the lines draw us towards the power of that inner child, the ability to disregard the lanes we have constructed and push forward with playful energy. The negative space, much more present in these pieces than in any other, points to the possibility. The possibility that there is always space for more to come. Faces asks us to remember that the face we choose is not the only possibility, and if we remember that inner child, there will always be a possibility.

What you get: Every Faces NFT comes with a claimable version of that face on paper (11"x14"). There are 4 chances to win a large format - 4 Faces on canvas of Large Faces (36"x36").

Holding an NFT from this mint will give you early whitelist to mint 2 (Bulls).

NFTs available: 400
Small Format: 396x Faces on Paper (11”x14”) - $500 gallery valuation
Large Format: 396x Faces on Paper (11”x14”) - $500 gallery valuation

Presale price: 0.03ETH
Public mint price: 0.06ETH

Feb 2023


The image of the Bull is a common one in art. From classic to more recent interpretations, the Bull represents old interpretations of strength. This allusion to machismo is an obvious one; the Bull is massive, strong, and aggressive. Bullseye mends this faulty thought that image equates to strength; the changes can be seen as a shedding of the ego, losing the weight of societal expectations and distractions. The painting leaves us with the bones of the beast, who he truly is, and an exterior that is something more novel. Bullseye is slim, adorning a tailored suit; he is composed and ready for action. The Bull is all it was before, yet, none of what people used to make it out to be.

Only ONE color will gain access into the third and final mint. So... are you red bull or blue bull?

What you get: Each Bulls NFT comes with a claimable print version of that Bulls on paper (18”x24”). There are 2 chances to win a large format - 1 Blue Bull on canvas (36"x48") & 1 Red Bull  on canvas (36"x48").

Holding the correct color NFT from this mint will give you early whitelist to mint 3 (Landlord).

NFTs available: 200 (100 Red Bulls, 100 Blue Bulls)
Small Format:
198x Bulls Print on Paper (18”x24”) - $350 gallery valuation
Large Format: 2x Bulls on Canvas (36"x48") 1x Red, 1x Blue - $6000 gallery valuation

Presale price:
Public mint price: 0.06ETH

Feb 2023


This piece asks you to consider your roots. It does not ask for your bloodline but the seeds of life that proliferated long before you. The roots that served as the keeper of the land in which you live. It uses the silhouette of an indigenous chief, and its composition speaks of these people's relationship to modern society. The silhouette is in the center of the canvas, urging the viewer to focus on these cultures to understand their central role in allowing for the world we know today. Through style, the artist interweaves the urban culture of America today with that of its original landlords. The profile of the chief serves as the base, and modern street art style fills the inside of its borders, conveying the inseparable relationship of the two. No matter how much the current society changes, it will always be rooted in these indigenous peoples' life and energy.

What you get: For every piece you mint, you will have the option to receive a matching print of your Landlord. There is 1 chance to win the raredrop - an Original on canvas of the Landlord.

NFTs available: 50
Small Format:
49x Landlord Print on Paper (24"x30") - $450 gallery valuation
Large Format: 1x Landlord on Canvas (48”x60”) - $8000 gallery valuation

Private sale price: 0.09ETH